Prima riunione operativa del progetto “Get Sporty, Stay Healthy”
Maggio 2019
Si è svolta stasera a Roma la prima riunione operativa del progetto “Get Sporty, Stay Healthy” di cui la nostra associazione è capofila.
Il progetto ha ottenuto un contributo economico dalla Commissione Europea grazie al programma Erasmus Plus Sport
Insieme ad altre 4 associazioni (provenienti dalla Romania, Bulgaria, Spagna e Grecia) lavoreremo in sinergia per promuovere la pratica sportiva e incentivare uno stile di vita salutare soprattutto per le giovani generazioni.
Il progetto prevede 4 eventi internazionali ed include attività formative per lo staff delle nostre associazioni finalizzate al miglioramento delle competenze.
Una straordinaria avvenuta Europea per il nostro team!
Meeting number | 1 |
Dates and venue | 29/05/2019 – 30/05/2019 ~ Rome, Italy. |
Description of the meeting (including the need for the meeting) | The first activity, the Kick off Meeting focused on an analysis of the Erasmus Plus tool, on the presentation of each partner, on the analysis of the motivations and needs underlying the project, on the definition of the project objectives and of an official action plan with explanation of the roles of each partner.This meeting is necessary in order to clarify the objective and subjective framework, the importance of the instrument used, as well as the “ratio” and the objectives of the project in order to draw up an official action plan. |
Hosting organisation and the number of participants | A.S.D.R.C. 3M Training Lab (Italy), with the exclusive participation of the Presidents of the organizations or a chairpersons’ and of one Project Manager, for a total of 2 people. |
Justify the need for the given number of participants and specify the role of each of them | In this meeting of coordination and planning of the activities, the presence of the Presidents of the organizations (or a chairpersons’) and of one project manager has been needed as they are ambassadors of the vision and mission of the organization and direct responsible for the project. Therefore, as spokespersons of their team, they had the task to present their organization, outline the guidelines of the activities and the logic of intervention, as well as their role within the project. |
Participatingorganisations and the number of participants per each of them | Youth Horizons (Greece), Asociatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica (Romania) and Youth Activities and Sports Association (Bulgaria), always with the participation of the President (or a chairpersons’) and of a project manager, for a total of 2 members for each organization. |
Justify the need for the given number of participants and specify the role of each of them | The presence of the President (or a chairpersons’) and of a project manager for each organizations has been necessary because they represents the spokesperson of their team. So, they have to present their organization and specifically outline, with the project coordinator, the objectives of the project and the definitive action plan with specification of the objectives, the profile of the participants and the roles of each one. |