Terzo Meeting per il Progetto Europeo “Get Sporty, Stay Healthy”
Dicembre 2019
Si è svolto il terzo appuntamento internazionale del nostro progetto europeo Get Sporty, Stay Healthy finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del programma ERASMUS PLUS SPORT. Nella splendida cornice del comune spagnolo di Plasencia 20 giovani in rappresentanza di 5 associazioni europee (oltre a noi capofila i partner sono romeni, greci, bulgari e gli spagnoli). L’occasione è stata importante al fine di redigere la parte conclusiva delle Linee guida europee per uno stile di vita salutare. A breve partirà un sondaggio che coinvolgerà i giovani europei sulle tematiche relative allo sport, agli stili di vita salutari e al contrasto alla sedentarietà. Siamo orgogliosi – afferma Lorenzo Marcelli, presidente di 3M training Lab – di esportare il nostro “modello” anche a livello europeo in un costante e proficuo rapporto di scambio e crescita con i nostri colleghi europei.
Meeting number | 3 |
Dates and venue | 16/12/2019 – 18/12/2019 ~ Plasencia, Extremadura, Spain |
Description of the meeting (including the need for the meeting) | It has been a Round Table, an analytical meeting between some of the participants in the Training. In the first instance, we analyzed and comment the data emerging from the survey held after the second activity. We got into discussion on the way in which we can ensure efficient and diversified professionalism; educate and train in an innovative and influential way; animate and use open and public space; engaging community in sports events; developed a strategy for action. Then they begun to outline the topic and, consequently, the distribution of roles for the coordination of the programmatic events that will be presented completely in the fourth meeting in an events paper and implemented in the following three years. This debate was useful to improve their collaborative capacity, share and exchange ideas, vision and good practices in order to understand how to manage and spread the value of sport through targeted and effective interventions. |
Hosting organisation and the number of participants | Asociación Multideportiva Euexia (Spain) with 3 participants. In specific, the President, one professional on a specific events topic and and one professional which deals with communication, promotion and organization. |
Justify the need for the given number of participants and specify the role of each of them | The participants were in the number of 3. The presence of the president (or of a representative) was important to take some decision, the presence of a professional to elaborate the topic of the event and the presence of the expert in communication, promotion and organization to delineate the logistic aspect of the events and promote them. |
Participatingorganisations and the number of participants per each of them | 3M Training Lab (Italy), Youth Horizons (Greece), Asociatia Asociatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica (Romania) and Youth Activities and Sport Association (Bulgaria), with 3 persons for each organization, always identified with the President (or a legal representative), one professional on a specific events topic and and one professional which deals with communication, promotion and organization. |
Justify the need for the given number of participants and specify the role of each of them | The participants were in the number of 3. The presence of the president (or of a representative) was important to take some decision, the presence of a professional to elaborate the topic of the event and the presence of the expert in communication, promotion and organization to delineate the logistic aspect of the events and promote them. |